Archangel Remiel

Archangel Remiel

Free Angel Card Readings Online By Dyan Garris with  Voice of the Angels – A Healing Journey Spiritual Cards ~ The first deck of angel cards with channeled messages from angels.

About the Angel Cards and the Free Angel Card Readings:

There are four different types of free angel card readings online available on Free Angel Card  These are the original online readings. The readings are totally free and in-depth; they not just one card.

These angel cards are uncannily accurate and will become like old friends. Soon you will come to an understanding of the ultimate truths on which they are based.

Voice of the Angels - A Healing Journey Spiritual Cards

Copyright 1994 Dyan Garris

Voice of the Angels – A Healing Journey Spiritual Cards were created by Dyan Garris  in 1993 and 1994 when no decks of angel cards with channeled messages yet existed in the marketplace.

These angel cards were originally made in 3D with crystals and gemstones. And they were also hand illustrated by Garris, giving them an “aliveness” and unique energy that you can actually feel.

A Healing Journey - The Voice of the Angels CD

A Healing Journey CD

As well, the cards are all scenes from the guided meditation/fantasy “A Healing Journey” written by Dyan Garris and found on the last track of her CD “A Healing Journey – The Voice of the Angels.”

And the messages from your angels are in quatrain verse on each card. They are also not just arbitrary messages pulled out of a hat.  These angel messages are special in another way as well.  You see, when you put them all together…all of the quatrain messages found on the angel cards…they mean something.

Together they form the “healing journey” that IS the guided meditation.

So it’s truly a “full circle, meaningful healing journey, not just general spiritual guidance.

There is also a journal available and a meditation journal available separately for keeping track of your angel card readings and spiritual progress. The journals are an important part of the integration that is needed for alignment and spiritual growth.

The Journal - Voice of the Angels

Voice of the Angels Journal

The angel cards, the relaxation music on the CD, the guided meditation, the free angel card readings, and the journal all are an integrated healing journey.  And you can connect with your angels here online any time you feel the need.

Each angel card’s verse/angel message from the angels who are the “voice” in these cards, is presented in quatrain for a reason. This is so that it’s easy for you to remember.  You will find that these free angel card readings will “speak” to you on very deep levels.  Enjoy these free angel card readings online and the very real angelic connection. They were created with pure LOVE.

~ With all Angelic Blessings,

Dyan Garris

SONG OF OM ORACLE DECKNOTE: Garris’ new oracle deck, Song of OM was released in late 2015/early 2016. Orders are being accepted for this limited edition deck. Deck is in stock. Order now!